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What Is Love

Гребенщиков Борис, Стингрей Джоанна

What should I say
Everything changes before I find words
And so it's time after time
With the same excuse to be silent
Here I go again

What should I do
It's bright like a candle inside of me
I never knew it could be actually painful
To look at you looking her way
What can I say

Promise me, you'll never ask me one thing
What is love, I'll never tell you what is love

Where shall we go
There's something happening inside these walls
We call our hearts
And when the battle’s over and victory’s won
We find something's gone, was it there

Why do you stare
Can it be | said something strange
I need a hand to hold
I need to tell you all so we can be as one
If we dare

Promise me, you'll never ask me one thing
What is love, I'll never tell you what is love

So what should | do when the candle’s over
And the flame is lost but the light is still bright
For I’m closing my eyes and I can feel it near
See it near

What do you hear
When | say to you all those pretty words
La, la, la,la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Nothing I say ever gets through

Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.2021 14 октября. Джоанна Стингрей. "Stay Together"   Дополнительный видео-материал (к событию) - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lwb29aIBUQFIo8WFxucL6M9fIBzXt45fc&si=1QCB0R_9Vkyzd9gL Дополнительный материал (к событию) - https://joannastingray.bandcamp.com/album/stay-together

Created 2025-01-03 16:50:21 by Andrew Advaytov
UNID: 62002B4E4A8615A5C2258C070050933E

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