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Too Far Away From Here
Hi there twilight are you still alright...

Гребенщиков Борис

Hi there, twilight. Are you still alright?
Do you see a moon out there in Heaven tonight?
Somebody’s shaking
Somebody is sick with fear
I thought I’m alright
But you are too far away from here.

That was the sweetest that I’ve tasted yet.
Secret, secret,
Do you feel it like that?
Do you still read me?
Do I make myself clear?
I thought I made it
But you are too far away from here.

And a moon is full tonight
And it feeds the flame
Very old book said, “No blame”.
Is it the white light? Or is it pain?
Do we tend the fire?
Do we pray for ... rain.

So you better stay silent
Better Hold your breath
See the tigers dancing on the willowy path
Look at them swirling
See how they disappear.
I thought I’m alright. I thought I’m alright.
Almost alright.
But you are too far away from here.
I thought I’m alright.
But you are too far away from here.

Аккорды к этой песне от Павла Сорокина
Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.2012 28 ноября. «Танец Дели»   
2.2012 16 декабря. Сингл "Too Far Away From Here"   Дополнительный видео-материал (к событию) - https://youtu.be/MBdGkUanJuM
3.2024 31 декабря. "Pictures Of You"   

Created 2012-12-30 15:23:55 by Vyacheslav Sinitsyn; Updated 2012-12-30 17:34:35 by Vyacheslav Sinitsyn; 2014-02-03 20:26:45 by Pavel Severov; 2025-01-08 12:38:45 by Andrew Advaytov
UNID: C4B7744E59F8DAE543257AE400441239

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