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Кельтский ирландский оригинал песенки назавается Some say the devil is dead. Ирландская народная застольная. Исполняется группой Круахан без особенных отклонений от канонического текста

Some say the devil is dead, the devil is dead, the devil is dead
Some say the devil is dead, and buried in Killarney
More say he rose again, more say he rose again
More say he rose again and joined the British Army

Feed the pigs and milk the cow, and milk the cow, and milk the cow
Feed the pigs and milk the cow, early in the morning
Cock your leg, oh Paddy dear, Paddy dear I'm over here
Cock your leg, oh Paddy dear, it's time to stop your yawning

Some say the devil is dead, the devil is dead, the devil is dead
Some say the devil is dead, and buried in Killarney
More say he rose again, more say he rose again
More say he rose again and joined the British Army

Katie she is tall and thin, she's tall and thin, and tall and thin
Katie she is tall and thin, and like her drops of brandy
Drinks it in the bed each night, drinks it in the bed each night
Drinks it in the bed each night, it makes her nice and randy

Some say the devil is dead, the devil is dead, the devil is dead
Some say the devil is dead, and buried in Killarney
More say he rose again, more say he rose again
More say he rose again and joined the British Army

The wife she has the hairy thing, a hairy thing, a hairy thing
The wife she has the hairy thing, she showed it to me on Sunday
She bought it in the furrier's shop, bought it in the furrier's shop
She bought it in the furriers's shop, it's going back on Monday

Some say the devil is dead, the devil is dead, the devil is dead
Some say the devil is dead, and buried in Killarney
More say he rose again, more say he rose again
More say he rose again and joined the British Army

My one's over six feet tall, six feet tall, six feet tall
My one's over six feet tall, she likes the sugar candy
Goes to bed at six o'clock, goes to bed at six o'clock
Goes to bed at six o'clock, she's lazy, fat and dandy

Some say the devil is dead, the devil is dead, the devil is dead
Some say the devil is dead, and buried in Killarney
More say he rose again, more say he rose again
More say he rose again and joined the British Army

Похабное содержание видно из текста. Ирландские барды-скальды :))) причудливо переплетают эротические мотивы с камнями в огород "нехороших" британцев. Ну, это у них по ходу дела, завсегда.
В другом исполнении мне эта песня не попадалась, а вот сама мелодия где-то была, причем от круаханской она значительно отличалась даже по музыкальному рисунку.


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Произведение: Стаканы / Ну-ка мечи стаканы на стол...

Created 2006-03-27 14:30:37; Updated 2006-03-27 14:34:36 by Pavel Severov

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