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Eloise, standing in the rain outside...

Гребенщиков Борис

Standing in the rain outside,
Wondering if the sky’s really made out of air;
There she is,
Always looking right at me - but is she? -
You can’t really tell
And I don’t really care.

Something of a child,
Something of a bride,
And sometimes just not there;
Help me please
Discover ‘bout your secret life
And a purpose behind the clothes that you wear.

I just need
Some time to settle down,
Just need
Some time to settle down
Just need to get my feet on the ground,
Before I can dance with you;
But now,
I can’t even see you now,
And she turns
And she smiles
And she says:
I know. I know.

Staring at the sea,
Seven white birds sing
Lost in her hair;
I’ve heard she is
Lethal for the likes of me,
Well, you can’t really tell
And I don’t really care.

I just need
Some time to settle down,
Just need
Some time to settle down
Just need to get my feet on the ground,
Before I can dance with you;
But now,
I can’t even see you now,
And she turns
And she smiles
And she says:
I know. I know.

And who said she ever knew about me?


Аккорды к этой песне от Павла Сорокина
Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.?1990 сентябрь. Demos. [188А]   
2.1990. "Radio London" [736 901126]    Дополнительный видео-материал (к событию) - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nmkjHpskHByDq8C4zyNwhqRYsiJyAG3qo&si=C5h4VV90hf79DNBjr Дополнительный аудио-материал (к событию) - http://aquarium.lipetsk.ru/MESTA/mp3/aquarium.ru-albums/radio_london.htm
3.1991 21 июля. Выступление на фестивале Rock Summer г.Таллин [010В 910721]    Дополнительный видео-материал (к событию) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DPO7xUNCJ4
4.2024 31 декабря. "Pictures Of You"   

Created 1999-06-27 22:27:54; Updated 2025-01-08 12:28:36 by Andrew Advaytov
UNID: 5646AF1507EB1935C325679D006AED06

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