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Modern Age Rock'n'roll

Гребенщиков Борис, Стингрей Джоанна

Same song over and over
How come we don’t get bored
Rough money, big deals
Stand still, nobody gets hurt

It’s modern age rock-n-roll
It’s modern age rock-n-roll
Sister get me out of here

Meanwhile the clock is running slow
Dance faste,r look sharp
So busy getting down
Nobody can stand up

It’s modern age rock-n-roll
It’s modern age rock-n-roll
Brother get me out of here

I can’t discern between the fire and electric light
These modern days I hope they won’t be long
Some day I’ll hear the voice that’s calling out my name
And I will answer him and I will join this song

So welcome to the pleasure farm
Why feel when you can be stunned
I got claustrophobia
Sharing this hopeless fun

It’s modern age rock-n-roll
It’s modern age rock-n-roll
Father get me out of here

It's a modern age rock n' roll
It's a modern age rock n' roll
Anybody get me out

Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.1990 22 июня. Джоанна Стингрей. "Thinking Till Monday"   Дополнительный видео-материал (к событию) - https://youtu.be/L2svmKEhbf4

Created 2025-01-02 12:17:29 by Andrew Advaytov
UNID: 73309C1F44A10A89C2258C06003798A9

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