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Welcome Us Home

Гребенщиков Борис, Стингрей Джоанна

It's nothing more than this, a part of my life just gone by
But | saw it shine and | wanted to bathe in its light
And if I've done wrong, then judge me by laws that you know
And if |'m this gift, it takes someone other than me
And if it was a chance, | can hope that I'll never learn
And if it was a trial, | hope that we'll let it run wild
Cause if | never tried, | don’t know what would become
And if I'm this gift, it takes someone better than me

So welcome us home
Welcome us home I've been running dry
It takes so long, I’ve seen it shine
And | long for more
Welcome us home
Welcome us home in the morning light
| have so much to tell you, don’t close the door
Don't close the door

Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.2021 14 октября. Джоанна Стингрей. "Stay Together"    Дополнительный видео-материал (к событию) - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lwb29aIBUQFIo8WFxucL6M9fIBzXt45fc&si=1QCB0R_9Vkyzd9gL Дополнительный материал (к событию) - https://joannastingray.bandcamp.com/album/stay-together

Created 2025-01-03 16:37:57 by Andrew Advaytov
UNID: A4328FCECA7ADA28C2258C07004FDF94

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