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Flicker Of Gold
The sun's coming up...

Гребенщиков Борис, St John Kate Подробнее

The sun's coming up
the strangest of mornings
the curtain fails down
on the longest of nights
the world stretches out
with innocent glory
a flicker of gold
a future yet untold

So you breathe in the air
you breathe in the silence
you breathe in the pain
to hide it away
but the radiant dawn fills you with yearning
as your sad disarray
fills yet another day

And the rivers flow
the rivers run so fast
no chance to float or disembark
and lovers fly
through the sky so fast
then hurtle down to the dark

So now that's come
the end of the story
no violins
no one to tell
you body awaits
but your soul is still searching
the infinite skies
for a sign to recognise

Songs come and go
whisper and silence
worlds fall apart
ashes and dust
and love disappears
like mist off the water
rising above
higher and higher
a flicker of gold
bursting into life

Аккорды к этой песне от Павла Сорокина
Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.1997 7 октября. Kate St John. "Second Sight"   Дополнительный аудио-материал (к исполнению) - http://aquarium.lipetsk.ru/MESTA/mp3/aquarium.ru-albums/kate_st_john_second_sight.htm

Created 2001-05-10 09:36:14; Updated 2017-02-05 21:47:08 by Pavel Severov

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