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Mean Woman Blues
I got a woman...

DeMetrius Claude

Played by Jerry in the JGB with Nicky Hopkins. Thanks to Matt Schofield for the lyrics.
I got a woman, mean as she can be
I got a woman, mean as she can be
Sometimes I think, she's almost as mean as me

I [ain't praying, it's understood]
Everything I do [sure no good]

I got a woman, mean as she can be
I got a woman, mean as she can be
Sometimes I think, she's almost as mean as me

Mama told me, [poppa too]
[??] the death of me

I got a woman, mean as she can be
I got a woman, mean as she can be
Sometimes I think, she's almost as mean as me

I got a woman, mean as she can be
I got a woman, mean as she can be
Sometimes I think, she's almost as mean as me

The Roy Orbison/Elvis Presley versions have different/additional verses:
A black cat up and died of fright
'Cause she crossed his path last night

She kiss so hard, she bruise my lips
Hurts so good, my heart just flips

The strangest gal I ever had
Never happy 'less she's mad

She makes love without a smile
Ooh, hot dog that drives me wild

Другие известные исполнители этой песни - Jerry Lee Lewis и Elvis Presley
Послушать оригинальное исполнение (Roy Orbison)

Информация от Ирки Воронежской

Аккорды к этой песне от Павла Сорокина
Это произведение включено в сборник АнБГлийские песни

Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.1983 1 октября. Концерт на открытии сезона в Рок-клубе г.Ленинград [840107]   (0,3 мб) (к исполнению) - http://garson.lipetsk.ru/pik/snd/mean_woman_blues_3222-eng.mp3 (1 мб)  (к исполнению) - http://garson.lipetsk.ru/pik/snd/mean_woman_blues-eng-fs.mp3 Видео - Аквариум в рок-клубе 1.10.83г. Васин,Курехин,Гаккель.Дюша,Васильев,Тихомиров В.Козлов и др (к событию) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YBVZ4vfAfM Аудиозапись (к событию) - http://e.pc.cd/E1my6alK
2.1987 2-4 мая. Еще одна запись из Перми [209В 870708]   

Created 1999-06-27 22:27:53; Updated 2020-01-16 21:29:03 by Vyacheslav Sinitsyn

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