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Shattered Glass

Гребенщиков Борис, Стингрей Джоанна

He walks down to get some cigarettes
He never comes back, is it any wonder
Streets are filled with strange devices
Spellbound he’s still walking

Thin line between honey and metal
Sun melts ice in his fingers
Is it him or just his shadow you’re watching
Did I ever tell you

Cars run fast, science runs faster
Feeds that slave in the eyes of the master
Here comes the dance on the shattered glass
Come on, I’m going to show you the way out

All alone the lady’s waiting
What the hell, she proudly wonders
That’s it the problems are solved
Here comes your friendly vultures

Debts are paid, the dead are dancing
Time counts, the wounds are heeling
All around the walls are closing on you
But did I ever tell you?

Cars run fast, science runs faster
Feeds that slave in the eyes of the master
Here comes the dance on the shattered glass
Come on, I’m going to show you the way out

What can you make of the difference between us
I hope we met not too soon
I’ll show you the strange face that no one has seen
But it’ll change with the phase of the moon

Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.1990 22 июня. Джоанна Стингрей. "Thinking Till Monday"   Дополнительный видео-материал (к событию) - https://youtu.be/L2svmKEhbf4

Created 2025-01-02 13:35:34 by Andrew Advaytov; Updated 2025-01-02 13:36:00 by Andrew Advaytov
UNID: F2DB481B76280DBAC2258C06003F024B

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