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Best Years Of Our Lives
These are the best years...

Гребенщиков Борис

These are the best years of our lives - sweet and peaceful
The best years of our lives - enchanted and fey
Like the seeds we're sown,
Like the seeds trampled -
After the gardener did what he's paid to do,
Now it is finally time...

These are the best years of our lives - it's all that matters
The best years of our lives - fragile and clean;
Like a child, we're blessed;
Like a child - spaced out;
And may Lord have mercy on those, who invoke our displeas
In these best years of our lives.

And I'm coming from a different world;
And I really dont know how it's done here;
And I would honestly ask you to help me, babe,
To work with me, trust in me,
And cover my ass - and then I'll look away...

These are the best years of our lives -
and our captain's locked up;
And his choir of angels waits for this city to fall.
Before this sky, and them bells ringing,
I say - I know how you feel, God, I know how you feel.
If we knew our way out, we'd never be stuck here at all -
These are the best years of our lives...


Аккорды к этой песне от Павла Сорокина
Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.?1990 сентябрь. Demos. [188А]   
2.1990. "Radio London" [736 901126]    Дополнительный видео-материал (к событию) - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nmkjHpskHByDq8C4zyNwhqRYsiJyAG3qo&si=C5h4VV90hf79DNBjr Дополнительный аудио-материал (к событию) - http://aquarium.lipetsk.ru/MESTA/mp3/aquarium.ru-albums/radio_london.htm

Created 1999-06-27 22:27:56; Updated 2017-02-05 21:47:08 by Pavel Severov

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