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Когда: 2002 февраль
Название: "Russian Songwriter"
Носитель записи: 030218
Информация о видеозаписи:
Внешние ссылки: Дополнительный материал - http://aquarium.lipetsk.ru/upload3/2002_Russian_Songwriter/ Дополнительный материал - http://www.aquarium.ru/discography/songwriter.html

Сборник "Russian Songwriter" фирмы "Naxos World"

Альбом, изданный компанией Naxos World в Нью-Йорке.
Использованы записи с ранее изданных альбомов. Песня "Таруса" записана специально для этого альбома в сотрудничестве с
Сергеем Щураковым.

About this Recording

The singer-songwriter tradition of any country reflects the hearts and thoughts of the people, and in Russia this is no different. In quiet, often acoustic settings, the artist performs his music, making the song and its words the focus above all else. Through vivid lyrics, metaphorical language, and soulful melody, the singer-songwriter can mask controversial and difficult topics to bring his message home, or simply convey his most personal thoughts through music.

During the days of the Soviet Union, artists like Vysotsky, Vertinsky, and Okudjava pioneered the Russian singer-songwriter style. All wrote on themes central to Russian life, sang with heartfelt passion, popularized a genre for the people and about the people, and, through their individual and unique styles of performances, ensured the lasting popularity of the singer-songwriter.

The listener is fortunate to have this survey of Russian song presented by legendary singer/songwriter Boris Grebenshikov. Since the 1970s, Grebenshikov and his band, Akvarium (Aquarium) have been one of the most important influences on the development of popular Russian music and its cultural consequences. From their underground roots on the Leningrad rock scene to the national acclaim of the present day, Akvarium has never ceased to be a powerful force in Russian music.

Although some would say the poet Grebenshikov rivals the musician within, the key to the longevity and global popularity of his style may be that Grebenshikov’s songs transcend language and nationality. His ability to connect with listeners and communicate even the most complex of emotions through his songcraft remains Grebenshikov’s most remarkable and wonderful talent.

Grebenshikov’s legacy includes hundreds of songs, but for this collection he has chosen to present a selection of those that influenced him (by others before him), those that inspire him, and those he has personally added to the singer-songwriter tradition of his country that are beautifully and thoroughly Russian.

Список исполнений:
1.Станочек / Дело было на заводе...
2.Не Пей Вина, Гертруда / Гертруда / В Ипатьевской слободе...
3.Никита Рязанский
4.Китай / Китайская акварель / И вот мне приснилось...
5.Три Сестры / Что ж ты смотришь совой...
6.Ласточка / Прыг, ласточка, прыг...
7.Государыня / Государыня, помнишь ли как строили дом...
8.Магистраль. Ржавый Жбан Судьбы / Забудь свои грехи...
9.Песенка о Ваньке Морозове / За что ж вы Ваньку-то Морозова...
10.Самый Быстрый Самолет / Не успели все разлить, а полжизни за кормою...
11.Таруса / Городок / Целый день стирает прачка...   Дополнительный аудио-материал - http://aquarium.lipetsk.ru/MESTA/mp3/razbrosannye_veschi/tarusa.mp3
12.Дубровский / Когда в лихие года...
13.Кони Беспредела / Ехали мы, ехали с горки на горку...
14.Гарсон N2 / Гарсон номер два...
15.Русская Нирвана

Created 2003-05-04 20:48:14; Updated 2014-04-02 14:06:38 by Vyacheslav Sinitsyn; 2024-06-07 19:55:35 by Andrew Advaytov
UNID: FE742D0540B2C4FDC3256D1C0061CCD9

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