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Sweet Little Sixteen
They're really rockin Boston...

Berry Chuck Подробнее

They're really rockin Boston
In Pittsburgh, P. A.
Deep in the heart of Texas
And 'round the Frisco Bay
All over St. Louis
Way down in New Orleans
All the Cats wanna dance with
Sweet Little Sixteen

Sweet Little Sixteen
She's just got to have
About half a million
Framed autographs
Her wallet's filled with pictures
She gets 'em one by one
She gets so excited
Watch her look at her run

Oh mommy mommy
Please may I go
It's such a sight to see
Somebody steal the show
Oh daddy daddy
I beg of you
Whisper to mommy
It's all right with you

Cause they'll be rockin on bandstand
In Philadelphia P.A.
Deep in the heart of Texas
And 'round the Frisco Bay
All over St. Louis
Way Down in New Orleans
All the Cats wanna dance with
Sweet Little Sixteen

Sweet Little Sixteen
She's got the grown up blues
Tight dress and lipstick
She's sportin' high heal shoes
Oh, but tomorrow morning
She'll have to chang her trend
And be sweet sixteen
And back in class again

Cause they'll be rockin on bandstand
In Philadelphia P.A.
Deep in the heart of Texas And 'round the Frisco Bay
All over St. Louis Way Down in New Orleans
All the Cats wanna dance with
Sweet Little Sixteen

Другие испонители: Eric Clapton, Deep Purple, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Waylon Jennings, Kinks, Van Morrison, Elvis Presley, Rolling Stones,

Список мест, c исполнениями:
1.1977 30 декабря. Концерт ВИГиЧБ в Гидропредприятии   
2.1978 8 апреля. Концерт ВИГиЧБ на факультете Прикладной математики ЛГУ

Created 1999-06-27 22:27:56; Updated 2002-04-02 21:25:47 by Pavel Severov

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